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Driving Customer Success at IAS-Client Testimonial Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:19:16 +0000 The post Driving Customer Success at IAS-Client Testimonial appeared first on Integral Ad Science.


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Driving Customer Success at IAS-Client Testimonial Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:00:21 +0000 The post Driving Customer Success at IAS-Client Testimonial appeared first on Integral Ad Science.


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Here’s How Marketers Can Improve Campaign Effectiveness and Grow Brand Equity with Multimedia Classification Technology Thu, 31 Aug 2023 06:53:18 +0000 By Megan Reichelt, Country Manager, SEA at Integral Ad Science

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By Megan Reichelt, Country Manager, SEA at Integral Ad Science

In the dynamic advertising landscape of 2023, the paramount challenge for advertisers is ensuring the safety of their brand within the sea of content and ensuring its alignment with suitable and relevant content. The rapid expansion of content consumption, powered by the influx of millions of videos to the open web each year, underscores the pressing demand for the ad tech industry to devise sophisticated technologies that keep pace with this evolution. In an era of ceaseless innovation, we need to arm marketers with an arsenal to steer their brand safety and suitability, while ensuring productivity.

As we delve deeper into the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-driven age, marketers have access to cutting-edge tools backed by AI/ML, that reveal largely unused insights by third-party adtech vendors across video, audio, and text content. Being the leading global media measurement and platform that delivers the industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms, IAS wants to help marketers protect and grow their brands by providing them with the most actionable brand safety and suitability data across all digital channels, including Connected TV (CTV). To aid marketers in their quest to protect and grow their brand on digital media, IAS has developed an industry-first advertiser solution powered by our Multimedia Classification technology, providing reporting aligned with the GARM (Global Alliance for Responsible Media) Brand Safety & Suitability Framework.

What is Multimedia classification?

Multimedia classification technology refers to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyse and categorise multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio content. It enables the classification of multimedia data based on its content, context, and other relevant factors.

This technology involves training models with large datasets to recognize patterns, features, and characteristics within different types of multimedia content. These models learn to identify objects, scenes, text, and other elements present in the multimedia files. The classification process can be based on various factors, including visual analysis, audio analysis, sentiment analysis, and text analysis. For example, in a 12-minute video, IAS measures over +3,500 visual cues for an accurate brand suitability score or content categorization, allowing you to stay informed and take action.

To ensure advertisers can grow their brands confidently, IAS maps this diverse multimedia content to IAB and GARM safety, suitability, and contextual segments. 

How does it apply to advertisers 

Multimedia classification technology allows advertisers to target their audiences more effectively. Backed by AI- and ML-based technologies advertisers can gain valuable insights, and this information enables them to deliver targeted advertisements that align with the interests and preferences of their intended audience.

Multimedia classification technology aids in content optimization and personalization. Advertisers can leverage the data generated from multimedia classification to refine their creative strategies, tailor messaging, and improve overall campaign performance. This technology empowers advertisers to deliver more relevant and engaging content to their target audience, enhancing the user experience and driving better results.

It helps ensure brand safety by automatically identifying and filtering out inappropriate or unsuitable content. This ensures that advertisements are placed alongside suitable and brand-aligned content, reducing the risk of associations with harmful or offensive material.

How marketers benefit from it

With the help of Total Media Quality, advertisers benefit from:

  • Frame-level Video Analysis – combining image, audio, and text at the video level – providing you with best-in-class brand safety and suitability scoring (*an IAS differentiator)
  • GARM Industry Alignment – granular classification with 11 categories and 4 risk thresholds, in line with Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) Brand Safety and Suitability framework (*an IAS differentiator)
  • Unmatched transparency to gain insights on the brand safety score of the actual videos/programs next to which CTV ads appear, including show title, by leveraging the IAS Multimedia Tag

IAS’s Total Media Quality for CTV solution is paving the way for a transformation

IAS’s Total Media Quality for CTV solution provides advertisers with the most granular video-level brand safety reporting by analysing the videos frame-by-frame using a combination of image, audio and/or text signals (vs. solely metadata), and scoring them against the GARM categories and risk levels. 

Having Total Media Quality on platforms on CTV is a much-needed innovation: advertisers will be able to monitor the brand safety and suitability not just of the CTV apps, but also of the video/programs next to which their ads appear. This gives them a whole new level of data to inform their strategies and budgets, while not limiting scale with an app inclusion/exclusion list approach.

Why shall marketers make note of multimedia classification

Brand safety remains a high concern for advertisers who place their ads on digital platforms. 9 in 10 advertisers said they will be prioritising brand safety in CTV in some way, as reported by eMarketer in 2022. 

Amid escalating demands for transparency in advertising expenditure, multimedia classification emerges as a revolutionary technology that promises to alleviate advertisers’ concerns. Greater transparency empowers publishers to thoughtfully curate inventory packages and establish pricing strategies. As multimedia classification technology becomes increasingly refined, not only will it navigate ads away from damaging content, but also position them alongside content conducive to consumer engagement. This paves the way for brands to serve ads that are more in tune with their brand and brand message, reflecting the preferences of their consumers, and ultimately fostering stronger connections. 

It is time to look beyond metadata analysis since it only looks at textual information about the video (such as genres, rating, thematic elements etc.); multimedia classification looks at the video file itself and analyses its multimedia elements (audio, images, text). To put it in simple terms, the difference between the two methodologies is like reading a Rotten Tomatoes review and actually seeing a Movie.

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Masters of Media – Sam Buchanan, CEO at Independent Media Agencies Australia (IMAA) Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:02:00 +0000 In this exclusive “Masters of Media” series, Integral Ad Science (IAS) speaks to the Movers and Shakers of the APAC advertising industry on all digital matters. Sam Buchanan is the CEO of the Independent Media Agencies Australia (IMAA) and has...

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In this exclusive “Masters of Media” series, Integral Ad Science (IAS) speaks to the Movers and Shakers of the APAC advertising industry on all digital matters.

Sam Buchanan is the CEO of the Independent Media Agencies Australia (IMAA) and has more than 25 years of experience in the media and marketing industry. He started his career in broadcast media and spent almost 20 years developing a strong knowledge of the media through sales and business development roles with leading media companies Southern Cross Austereo, News Corp Australia and Fairfax Media.

His experience working with media owners, on the client side and in agencies led him on a path to the IMAA, starting with the organisation at its launch in 2020 as General Manager before taking on the role of CEO in 2022. Since joining the IMAA as General Manager and now as its CEO, Sam has fostered the growth of the IMAA, going from 20 foundation members in 2020 to more than 155 in early-2023. Sam has been instrumental in changing the media landscape and providing a voice for the media sector. 

Known as a dynamic media and relationship specialist, Sam is highly regarded for raising the profile of the IMAA to be the gold standard in associations, garnering worldwide recognition for his approach and leadership. 

Sam is married with two children, enjoys the outdoors and doing a bad job of coaching the local under 7’s soccer team.


IAS: Please tell us about your journey in digital media and your current role at IMAA

Sam: I have been lucky enough to have experienced all three sides of the media equation: vendor, client and agency. My media career began on the publisher side of media where I enjoyed a variety of roles at SCA and News Corp before moving to the client side for several years. 

My love of independent media agencies came when I moved to McKenzie Partners as Chief Commercial Officer. I love the opportunities that an Australian owned agency could offer, and the ability to impact real business outcomes. From there we founded the IMAA, with five other agencies in 2019, where I am CEO. 

IAS: Can you shed some light on why IMAA was launched and how it has evolved since inception?

Sam: The original idea for an industry body that specifically catered to the independent media agency sector was conceived by a group of five media agencies; we desired a stronger and unified voice for the sector.  We knew that the combined independent agency sector represented more than 50% of digital advertising expenditure, and by harnessing our sector and bringing everyone together, we could help advocate for and promote indie agencies to clients, lobby the government and make our industry a better, strong place along the way.

We wanted to stress the economic importance for clients to work with 100% Australian owned media agencies and since then we have worked hard to level the playing field with international holding companies with a range of initiatives, including group deals to access data tools, research and other things to achieve that.

There are many benefits for advertisers to work with independent media agencies, one of the most important being the depth and longevity of experience they provide and staff consistency and stability.

Starting our journey with 13 members, we now have more than 160 members across the country. We pride ourselves on being a progressive association and have launched a raft of initiatives including diversity and inclusion, environment and sustainability, and reconciliation.

IAS: As a professional with vast experience in digital media, what advice would you give to someone starting their journey in this field?

Sam: Always be curious, always ask questions and find a great mentor.

If you are starting out, then sign up to our new education initiative, the IMAA Academy, our e-learning course that has a Digital module, as well as all other media channels to get a well-rounded understanding of the industry.

IAS: How is IMAA helping media agencies to propagate the AdTech space?

Sam: We have partnered with the world’s best digital and ad tech companies including IAS.  These partners help bridge the education gap through our platforms and channels.

We have a learning hub to ensure our members are across the latest and greatest training and certification.

We host regular webinars where our partners and guests are able to present to our members, offering education, the latest insights, trends and research to ensure all members are fully up to date with the ever changing AdTech space.

IAS: In your opinion, what are some challenges that Australian independent media agencies are facing in today’s world?

Sam: Our greatest challenge – although I prefer to see it as an opportunity – is to convince larger clients and the Government of the benefits of working with independent agencies. We can truly compete with the multinationals now, not to mention the benefit of getting to work with the people who own the agency and, importantly in this economic climate, the ability to be nimble and agile.

We are actively lobbying both the Federal and State governments to include a provision for a proportion of government ad spend to go to the independent, Australian-owned, indie media agency sector. We firmly believe that the government has a social and economic responsibility to support Australian owned businesses, so money spent and taxes remain in Australia.

Our second biggest challenge is talent – finding it and retaining it. We have launched various initiatives to address this – including our IMAA Academy e-learning program and we recently launched a trade campaign in the UK to attract talent to live and work in Australia at indie agencies. We’ve seen a definite trend where multinational agency executives have decided to move to an indie agency – for many reasons, but mainly because they have greater flexibility, more control of their destiny and can make a real difference to clients’ business outcomes.

IAS: What are some ways for agencies and organisations in the media landscape to monitor and reduce their environmental impact?

Sam: The environment and sustainability is one of the key strategic pillars of the IMAA. 

This is a big issue among our members, with one of our Pulse Surveys finding that three quarters of our members said that the environment was important to their agency. Another 58% said they are expecting that a media owner’s sustainability credentials, such as carbon offsetting capabilities and carbon-neutral products, will start to influence their buying decisions.

We began by hosting two carbon positive events, in partnership with C2Zero.

Late last year we launched IMAA Project Earth, a series of initiatives and partnerships to help develop environmental management and sustainability within the indie media agency sector and greater media landscape. 

We partnered with several environmental organisations including Trace, C2Zero, Scope3, Net Zero Media and SeenThis to help achieve this vision. And for the IMAA itself, we partnered with Trace to become a carbon neutral organisation.

This initiative and partnerships are designed to educate and offer support to our members on how to run a sustainable campaign and become a carbon neutral business.

And this year for the first time our members from across the country participated in Clean Up Australia Day’s corporate day.

We see our role as helping our members to achieve their sustainability goals.

IAS: Any advice for leaders on talent retention and supporting/ encouraging diversity at workplaces?

Sam: We firmly believe that independent media agencies offer talent a fantastic career and workplace. Our members have so many staff benefits, from unlimited leave, flexible working options, and mental health training. At an independent media agency, people really feel like they are part of something and have a real opportunity to make a difference.

The IMAA wants to lead by example. We have launched a raft of initiatives for career support, including the IMAA Academy, a Careers Board and a subsidised Leaders for Good DEI course. We have a Diversity & Inclusion Council, that has recently launched a mentor program for women in independent media agencies. And we have ratified our Reconciliation Action Program (RAP) as part of our mission to make a difference in the media industry by educating them on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, including supporting First Nations charity, Kings Narrative.

IAS: What’s your favourite book/podcast/movie and why?

Sam: I’m reading Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor (I am obsessed); streaming – Succession. So many podcasts – but SmartLess is a great one!

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IAS earns industry’s first MRC accreditation for CTV Viewable Impressions Fri, 19 May 2023 13:57:00 +0000 IAS has received the industry’s first accreditation for Connected TV (CTV) video viewable impressions from the Media Rating Council (MRC). This accreditation includes measurement of video-tracked ads, impressions, and related viewability metrics – including general invalid traffic detection – in...

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IAS has received the industry’s first accreditation for Connected TV (CTV) video viewable impressions from the Media Rating Council (MRC). This accreditation includes measurement of video-tracked ads, impressions, and related viewability metrics – including general invalid traffic detection – in CTV environments (applicable to certified traffic only). IAS is the only company to date to have earned MRC accreditation for viewability in CTV. IAS also received MRC accreditation for CTV-rendered impressions.

This latest accreditation achievement is further demonstration of our commitment to bringing even greater transparency and quality to all aspects of the digital measurement landscape.

Read the press release or reach out to your IAS representative to learn more about what IAS’s industry-first accreditation means for your brand.

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Brand Safety and Suitability Measurement for YouTube Wed, 03 May 2023 13:48:00 +0000 Enhanced measurement for maximum impact Video content is rapidly increasing, blurring the lines between what is and isn’t suitable for your brand. Gain control of your brand message amid the content boom with IAS’s industry-leading brand safety and suitability measurement...

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Enhanced measurement for maximum impact

Video content is rapidly increasing, blurring the lines between what is and isn’t suitable for your brand. Gain control of your brand message amid the content boom with IAS’s industry-leading brand safety and suitability measurement for YouTube.

IAS’s global solution gives marketers granular classification at scale, thanks to cutting-edge, machine learning technology. What’s more, IAS is certified in the YouTube Measurement Program, making us a trusted partner to drive your marketing performance on YouTube.

With IAS’s brand safety and suitability measurement on YouTube, you get:
– Deeper Insights with machine learning-powered details about video content, providing you best-in-class brand safety and suitability scoring
– Industry Alignment with scoring classification consistent with the GARM Brand Safety and Suitability framework
– Granular Classification at Scale with daily reporting across the GARM categories and four risk levels, allowing advertisers to stay informed and take action.

Maximise your campaign impact on YouTube with sophisticated brand safety and suitability measurement. Download the one sheet now to get started.

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Taking Action on Attention: Volume I Wed, 12 Apr 2023 14:02:52 +0000 IAS developed an evidence-based attention white paper and first-of-its-kind model that predicts the likelihood an impression will lead to a result. Attention is one of the most complex and widely discussed topics in digital media. Defining it has proven to...

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IAS developed an evidence-based attention white paper and first-of-its-kind model that predicts the likelihood an impression will lead to a result.

Attention is one of the most complex and widely discussed topics in digital media. Defining it has proven to be difficult, but industry experts unanimously agree that harnessing attention is pivotal to executing a successful advertising campaign.

That’s why IAS developed an evidence-based attention white paper and first-of-its-kind model that predicts the likelihood an impression will lead to a result. Driven by research based on millions of data signals combined with Total Visibility™ and machine-learning models, our analytical model identifies three key signals: Visibility, Situation, and Interaction — which each consist of a set of crucial metrics and optimisations that predict if an impression will lead to a result.

Throughout the white paper, “Taking Action on Attention“, you’ll find:
– A holistic attention approach and model, developed using extensive advertiser campaign data
Three data-backed attention signals proven to improve campaign effectiveness and drive business results
Results-based tips on how advertisers can capitalise on attention right now

We’ve seen firsthand how ad measurement and optimisation capture attention that drives ROI. Download the white paper, “Taking Action on Attention”, to harness the power of attention and drive superior business results now.

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Validate your media quality on Netflix Wed, 12 Apr 2023 10:50:00 +0000 Verify your inventory with industry-leading media quality It’s here: Experience industry-leading transparency on Netflix. As previously announced, IAS is among the first media quality partners to measure Viewability and Invalid Traffic (IVT) on Netflix, available now. Through IAS’s global solution...

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Verify your inventory with industry-leading media quality

It’s here: Experience industry-leading transparency on Netflix. As previously announced, IAS is among the first media quality partners to measure Viewability and Invalid Traffic (IVT) on Netflix, available now.

Through IAS’s global solution for Netflix, advertisers can validate the quality of their CTV and OTT media buys by ensuring ads are seen by real viewers in a fraud-free environment with our easy-to-use reporting solution.

With IAS’s solution for Netflix, advertisers can:

  • Access independent, third-party post-bid Viewability and IVT reporting for Netflix
  • Identify trends and optimize campaigns to drive performance based on engagement
  • Get consistent measurement across media buys to understand performance

Leverage media quality with coverage where it counts on Netflix.
Download the one sheet now to get started.

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Masters of Media – Azmat Habibulla, Chief Marketing Officer, South Indian Bank Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:48:10 +0000 In this exclusive “Masters of Media” series, Integral Ad Science (IAS) speaks to the Movers and Shakers of the APAC advertising industry, on all matters digital. Azmat Habibulla is the Chief Marketing Officer of South Indian Bank. She is a...

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In this exclusive “Masters of Media” series, Integral Ad Science (IAS) speaks to the Movers and Shakers of the APAC advertising industry, on all matters digital.

Azmat Habibulla is the Chief Marketing Officer of South Indian Bank. She is a marketing leader and digital enthusiast who, in a career spanning more than 25 years, has led business transformation at some of the leading brands in the country in the FMCG & BFSI sectors. She is an expert across a wide spectrum of domains such as digital marketing & business generation, marketing communication & branding, experiential and knowledge events, strategic partnerships, community building and thought leadership initiatives. Azmat is passionate about mentoring and investing time in nurturing talent.

IAS: Please tell us about your digital advertising journey and your current role at South Indian Bank

I consider myself a thoroughbred marketing professional and digital enthusiast, who has led business transformation at some of the leading brands in the country. The digital way is the new constant while being dynamic in its ever-evolving form. As a marketer, especially in the BFSI segment, it is not only unavoidable but also a growing part.

In the fascinating world of digital, I’m especially passionate about the use of digital technology as a tool for business growth. I have driven business acquisition and revenue generation by developing a robust digital marketing ecosystem across various channels. I have also launched innovative digital engagements, including the creation of many digital communities.

Being future-focused, I have a keen eye for emerging trends and have leveraged them effectively and have been the driving force to launch many digital industry-first initiatives, such as automated chatbots, instant lead calling, click-to-call, multi-channel communication media (MCCM), IP-targeted banner communications on the organization’s website, enabling customized videos and banner communication basis user behaviour and location and many more.

As the Chief Marketing Officer at South Indian Bank, I lead the South Indian Bank’s marketing and communication function. Enhancing the brand value of the bank is one of my key responsibilities. My team and I strive to create the right perception of the bank, manage media relations, scale up our visibility through our branch channel as well as other media, and design new channels of communication for younger audiences. We also manage the customer experience across various touch points over multiple channels.

Additionally, driving sales through digital marketing, adopting new digital technologies, and managing data-driven segmented personalized campaigns are also part of our core responsibilities. We constantly delve into customer insights digitally and through market research and deliver customer campaigns, both through on-ground activation and digitally.

The key focus area for me is to increase the awareness of the bank pan-India by communicating our inherent strengths of being a trustworthy, digital and tech-savvy bank catering to all demographic profiles. I am also focusing on scaling up our digital presence towards becoming a strong alternate acquisition channel.

Has consumer behaviour changed when interacting with banking products?

The Gen Z generation, born in the internet era, has embraced mobile banking and fintech in a way that previous generations did not and is open to experimenting with financial tools. With this digital-first mindset, the new digital-native consumers opt for personalized banking that comes with speed, convenience with simple yet efficient tech-based functionality. In this sense, the consumer experience in all digital interfaces becomes critical.

We are looking at a segment that has a limited attention span, so much so that they are popularly known as the Gen Now generation. We need to communicate with short DIY video formats and long emotive videos to narrate a story. Voice-based searches are growing, especially in tier-2 cities and the use of voice technology is growing fast, even in banking. We need to capture this opportunity. Rather than product-based, our marketing efforts need to be purpose-led.

The expectation from a bank has also changed for the current customer. The bank is now more like a financial partner, who helps the customer with all his/her financial needs and beyond. The newer generation expects to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with their financial partner or bank.

Loyalty is at a decline when it comes to banking, a category which enjoyed strong brand loyalty in the past. Customers are now looking at multiple banking partners to satisfy their evolved requirements and for diversification of financial products.

While digitisation in banking is imperative, the human touch remains vital for customer engagement. We, as human beings, still strive for human experiences, connections, and that empathetic emotional touch, especially in the BFSI sector.

IAS: What are some challenges Indian marketers face in digital advertising?

As the digital marketing environment continues to ebb, flow, evolve and grow, it is important to stay abreast of the critical trends and major changes, both at the customer behaviour level and at the digital media execution level. This dynamism is what makes the digital world so exciting as well as challenging for marketers like us. The challenges for marketers in digital advertising are many:

  • Attention and engagement – Many brands want to capture the attention of Gen Z, but the short attention span among this digital-savvy generation makes it quite difficult. Therefore, creating engaging short brand content that creates maximum brand engagement will be one of the biggest challenges for any brand.
  • Catching up with trends of the ever-evolving tech – Technology is growing faster than human needs and cognition. So, staying on top of marketing is incredibly challenging; especially, as the MarTech landscape continues to grow rapidly as there are constant feature changes across channels. The frequent changes in the platform/ digital channel’s algorithms, further add to this complication.
  • Personalisation at scale and segmentation – Today, the customer expects more personalised messaging from his/her brand. Personalisation at scale and effective segmentation for relevant messaging have become critical.
  • Right digital tools to deploy and justified investments – A heavy investment in building CDP platforms has become essential as the use of cookies will cease soon. All brands are investing heavily to build sufficient first-party data.
  • Attribution –  With so many digital tools in the game, attribution mapping has also become difficult as more and more variables have come into play, such as: traditional vs digital, omnichannel, multiple touchpoints at a customer journey, unable to identify the primary source of conversion, etc.
  • Humanizing the tech – There is a clear need for making technology and digital interactions more human to help us do things faster and smarter. Our recent inventions have always been too fast for human needs, in terms of their cognitive ability and their ability to adapt. Technology has evolved enormously, but it seems to have lost the human aspect. It is our responsibility, to not outcast the human in this race to make everything technically advanced.
  • Transparency and trust challenges in digital – With digital ad spending reaching $500 bn. Globally, combatting ad frauds to minimise budget wastage has become exceedingly important.

To conclude, on the customer side, keeping in mind the digital nativeness and changing behaviour we need to serve personalised and relevant communication only. We need to serve this as a partner and beyond a bank, looking at everything digital-first with the highest level of customer experience. This new generation of customers seeks a partner that is experiential and one that resonates with him/her. On the other hand, we need to deploy the communication through digital medium and counter execution challenges like ad frauds, attribution and the choice of tools to be deployed for the expected delivery at the right investment which justifies ROI.

IAS: If there’s one myth related to programmatic you’d like squashed, what would that be?

Programmatic marketing is basically about using technology to automate ad delivery such that the right TG is served with the right message while all of this happens in real-time.

There are many myths regarding programmatic such as

  • Mainly for conversions – Many consider programmatic buying as a tool for optimising clicks and conversions but along with such optimisation, it also plays a larger role in the customer journey. Programmatic advertising eliminates the need to retarget at the end stage entirely. It brings the company, product, or services, to the forefront of qualified customers and initiates the purchase cycle instead. Advertisers will get better ROI because their ads get shown to people who are most likely to click on their site or purchase their products and services.
  • Real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic are one and the same – In reality, RTB is a real-time auction mechanism to discover the right price in real-time and thus is just one part of programmatic
  • Ad frauds are only prevalent in programmatic – Ad fraud is prevalent in today’s digital world across mediums and not only in programmatic. At its core, programmatic buying, in fact, promotes transparency and increases the number of control buyers have when it comes to when and where their ads are displayed. Buying ads for programmatic advertising isn’t any riskier than if you make general market buys.

However, the one critical Myth that I would like to dispel is that programmatic is mainly for conversions. Many consider programmatic buying for conversions but it plays a larger role in the customer journey. Programmatic buying can serve customers on digital platforms by providing meaningful communication at various digital touch points. With programmatic ads, we can create an omnichannel presence for the customer with the right placements across different mediums thus creating a better customer experience from an awareness stage to final conversion. It in fact addresses the entire marketing funnel.

IAS: In your opinion, is the industry doing enough to combat the trust and transparency challenges in the digital supply chain?

Interestingly, when the advertising ecosystem started witnessing a shift towards digital advertising, transparency was believed to be a key differentiator. Now, as digital continues to dominate a major chunk of ad revenues, the question is whether it is transparent enough. With increasing digital spending, comes a greater amount of digital ad fraud.  According to Juniper Research, ad fraud reached $42 billion of ad spending in 2019 across online, mobile and in-app channels. Advertisers are made to pay for impressions and clicks that never took place, using fake audiences, fake installs and conversions.

Marketers have been wondering for a long time about the complex and ‘not-so-transparent’ digital ad tools used by various digital platforms. The entire digital ecosystem — from the tech giants to data mining companies to supply chain intermediaries — is now under the scanner due to its complexities and lack of transparency. Such is the trust deficit that most brands have started using third-party tools to get a clear picture of their ROI. If you deploy the right tools, your trust in the overall digital system will grow. Since these tools increase advertising costs considerably, it is not an easy decision for many brands.

IAS: Any advice for leaders on talent retention and supporting a hybrid workforce?

Remote work is increasingly being accepted as the industry is moving towards the “new normal”. Firms are restructuring their operations and systems as they see the preferences of the employees evolving.  

While at one end employees are seeking positions that allow them to achieve better work-life balance — cut some unnecessary expenses, remove the daily commute, and free up more time to spend with their families or friends — on the other side, physical connections and social engagement go a long way in making work fun, efficient, impactful and inspirational. Today, a hybrid workforce model correctly fits in such a dynamic ecosystem.  Personally, the pandemic has taught us how one can effectively work remotely. Also, I think we should harness this into developing a hybrid work culture which effectively balances the conveniences of working from home as well as the social integration and efficiencies of working from an office. Needless to say, the heightened motivation of employees will also help in talent retention.

IAS: What’s your favourite book/podcast/movie and why?

My favourite movie has been “Life is Beautiful”. This is a very emotional film shot against the backdrop of the world war. It is about a loving Jewish family, where the father and his son become victims of the Holocaust. The protagonist, Guido, the father, uses a perfect mixture of will, humour, and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.

Love and hope are key messages in the movie. When the father and his son were taken to the concentration camp. The father, Guido’s love for his son Joshua, kept him alive when he smartly hides their terrifying circumstances from his little son, presenting the whole affair as an elaborate game with the end prize of a tank. He manages to convince his son that every situation is part of the game: the kids who told Joshua there is no game, that’s just their strategy to win; the Nazi guards who shout orders, that’s so the game will be difficult; the children and men who leave and never return, that just means they’re out.

In the end, due to his wit and love for his son, Guido manages to save Joshua’s life. Joshua eventually reunites with his mother, Dora. Guido depicts persistent hope throughout the film.

The narrator, Joshua makes his grand return, revealing himself to be the adult Joshua. He informs us that this is his story, a story about his father’s gift to him.

The message and the emotion throughout the film brought tears to my eyes. It’s been 20 years since I watched the film and I still remember every aspect of it and still remains my favourite.

IAS: What is your advice to the fresh talent in the industry?

The advice I would like to give to the young talent is to believe in themselves as well as in their dreams and go all out to achieve them. Hard work, dedication and persistence pay off. There are no shortcuts; working with dedication and with the highest level of integrity is the winning combination.

It is important to have a fulfilling role which is fun yet one that you are passionate about. Seek this richness in your job profile rather than the remuneration and rewards, which will anyways follow.

In this new reality, one might find it more challenging to excel in their careers since the world is dealing with uncertainty with the future stepping into the ‘unknown-unknown’ quadrant. Seeking mentorship and garnering the required support shall give you confidence and set the right momentum for the career ahead.

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