Guides Archives - Integral Ad Science The Hidden Cost of MFA Webinar Tue, 05 Sep 2023 14:40:42 +0000 en-APAC hourly 1 Guides Archives - Integral Ad Science 32 32 Media Quality Report: 18th Edition Mon, 15 May 2023 13:53:00 +0000 Market-leading global benchmarks to drive business results The digital landscape has expanded beyond developments we’ve come to expect. From groundbreaking advancements in AI and machine-learning technology to near-constant innovation across environments and channels, it’s clear that marketers are juggling more...

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Market-leading global benchmarks to drive business results

The digital landscape has expanded beyond developments we’ve come to expect. From groundbreaking advancements in AI and machine-learning technology to near-constant innovation across environments and channels, it’s clear that marketers are juggling more than ever before.

But an unpredictable digital landscape spells more opportunity.

In the latest edition of the Media Quality Report (MQR), we’re embracing change too. Along with a new layout, we’re diving even deeper into global trends with key highlights and regional breakouts. Plus, marketers can utilise the MQR companion workbook to make data-driven decisions even faster with a format that simplifies integration across media optimisation systems.

Take a sneak peek at some of this year’s key trends:

– Time-in-view remained on a downward trajectory — but opportunity lies ahead

– Spikes in fraud impacted markets leading up to and during the 2022 Winter Olympics and the FIFA World Cup

– Quality Path Optimisation (QPO) uptake among ad buyers rose 533% throughout 2022

The annual MQR is the gold standard that gives marketers, publishers, and platforms across the globe actionable metrics to make informed marketing decisions.

Download the report today to utilise IAS’s market-leading global benchmarks to help you drive business results.

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Research: Sustainability & Advertising Mon, 14 Nov 2022 03:58:49 +0000 Consumer awareness of the climate crisis is reaching new peaks. The annual Ipsos Climate Change Report 2022 showed the majority of Australians are concerned about climate change (83%) and 70% consider that Australia is already being affected by climate change,...

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Consumer awareness of the climate crisis is reaching new peaks. The annual Ipsos Climate Change Report 2022 showed the majority of Australians are concerned about climate change (83%) and 70% consider that Australia is already being affected by climate change, primarily with more frequent and extreme natural disaster events which is a steady increase in concern and up from 56% in 2011.

However, misinformation surrounding climate change is ripe, and consumers are demanding more from advertisers and publishers.

IAS ran an online survey among Australian consumers to gauge their perception on the importance of environmental causes and brand responsibility. This research reveals how consumers’ thoughts on sustainable practices impact purchase behaviour and their expectations for brands that support these causes.

Top highlights:

  • 92% of AU consumers plan to do more to support environmental causes
  • 90% of AU consumers believe that brands should play a role in advocating for environmental causes
  • 70% of AU consumers are more likely to have a favourable view of brands that advocate for environmental causes

To download the full report, simply fill out your details in our form.

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IAS x MediaCom – Brand Safety Whitepaper Wed, 19 Oct 2022 02:26:00 +0000 Between a global pandemic, wars, highly polarized political rhetoric, and ongoing coverage of key social justice issues, deciding on how you want your brand to show up in public, let alone controlling where your ads appear, can be daunting. While...

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Between a global pandemic, wars, highly polarized political rhetoric, and ongoing coverage of key social justice issues, deciding on how you want your brand to show up in public, let alone controlling where your ads appear, can be daunting.

While over 50% of consumers buy or advocate for brands based on their beliefs or values, less than 5% of media spends by Brands in Asia have Brand Safety or Verification controls in place.

But why build a brand just to tear it down online?

Determining risk tolerance, is critical in the pursuit of audience reach and relevance. Ultimately, paying more for one impression may leave a lasting impression on consumers.

To help guide brands navigate this ever challenging topic of Brand Safety, Integral Ad Science partnered with MediaCom to produce a white paper entitled ‘Making the Right Impression – Building Safe Brands Online’

The white-paper highlights the issues faced by Brands in the current climate, areas where Brands need to evolve and best practices to ensure a safer advertising experience.

You can download the white paper here and we also invite you to view our recent loop_live Webinar where members of the Integral Ad Science and MediaCom Team discuss the white-paper in full.

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Post-Bid Brand Safety & Suitability on TikTok Mon, 17 Oct 2022 11:01:00 +0000 IAS Post-Bid Brand Safety & Suitability is now on TikTok, available in select regions globally and in line with the GARM Brand Safety and Suitability categories. This newest advancement joins our previously announced suite of solutions for TikTok: Viewability, Invalid Traffic (IVT), and App-Level Brand Safety.

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Access end-to-end transparency and protection for your entire TikTok campaign

IAS Post-Bid Brand Safety & Suitability is now on TikTok, available in select regions globally and in line with the GARM Brand Safety and Suitability categories. This newest advancement joins our previously announced suite of solutions for TikTok: Viewability and Invalid Traffic (IVT) and the IAS Pre-Bid Brand Safety Solution.

Advertisers can access IAS’s end-to-end brand safety solution suite, rounding out a comprehensive set of industry-leading solutions for TikTok. With IAS for TikTok, advertisers can unlock:

  • Holistic, third-party pre-bid targeting and post-bid brand safety, suitability, viewability, and IVT measurement
  • Leading end-to-end coverage on TikTok through pre- and post-bid brand safety and suitability solutions
  • Proprietary frame-by-frame video, audio, and text content classification technology
  • Granular reporting with 24/7 access to IAS Signal
  • Actionable validation of media quality across TikTok

Run across TikTok with confidence knowing your media investment is appearing next to content aligned with your brand from beginning to end. Download the one sheet to get started today.

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IAS brings media quality to Netflix Thu, 13 Oct 2022 12:15:50 +0000 Planning for Netflix’s ad-supported platform? Don’t forget media quality. Netflix and IAS are joining forces to provide industry-leading global transparency to Netflix’s upcoming ad-supported platform. With this integration, IAS will be among the first to measure Viewability and Invalid Traffic...

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Planning for Netflix’s ad-supported platform? Don’t forget media quality.

Netflix and IAS are joining forces to provide industry-leading global transparency to Netflix’s upcoming ad-supported platform. With this integration, IAS will be among the first to measure Viewability and Invalid Traffic (IVT) on Netflix’s highly anticipated new platform, available in early 2023.

Maximise engagement through insights and make every impression count on Netflix with IAS. With our upcoming solution, Netflix advertisers can access:

  • Independent, third-party Viewability and Invalid Traffic verification
  • Reporting within IAS Signal with actionable insights to expand CTV inventory
  • Consistent verification across media buys to understand and optimisNetflixe engagement

Access Netflix’s valuable CTV inventory with confidence. Download the one sheet to learn how IAS can validate your media quality on Netflix in Q1 2023.

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Reach Shoppers this Ramadan with Pre-Bid Targeting Segments Tue, 01 Mar 2022 12:14:26 +0000 Target contextually relevant content for festivals like Ramadan to engage buyers and increase favorability for your brand with unprecedented precision – at scale. During Ramadan 2021 South East Asia retailers revealed an uptick in traffic and sales when compared to...

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Target contextually relevant content for festivals like Ramadan to engage buyers and increase favorability for your brand with unprecedented precision – at scale.

During Ramadan 2021 South East Asia retailers revealed an uptick in traffic and sales when compared to the baseline seeing a surge in 2021 with a 26% increase in traffic and 21% increase in sales, respectively.

IAS’s predictive science pre-screens pages and categorises them before a bid is placed, enabling you to target Ramadan related content and amplify your brand.

Click here to find out more or to activate, reach out to your IAS representative for the full list of 200+ targeting segments plus a list of available DSPs and detailed user guides.

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IAS Media Quality Essentials Guides Fri, 25 Feb 2022 07:35:55 +0000 We’re delighted to bring you our latest IAS Essentials Guides covering:

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We’re delighted to bring you our latest IAS Essentials Guides covering:

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IDA Gandeng IAS di Indonesia Tawarkan Pelatihan IAS Academy kepada Praktisi Digital Tue, 14 Dec 2021 13:52:20 +0000 JAKARTA – Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), yang terdepan secara global dalam kualitas media digital, bekerja sama dengan Indonesian Digital Association (IDA) untuk memperluas IAS Academy, program pelatihan terakreditasi global pertama di industri untuk verifikasi iklan digital, kepada praktisi digital...

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JAKARTA – Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), yang terdepan secara global dalam kualitas media digital, bekerja sama dengan Indonesian Digital Association (IDA) untuk memperluas IAS Academy, program pelatihan terakreditasi global pertama di industri untuk verifikasi iklan digital, kepada praktisi digital di Indonesia.

IAS Academy menyediakan pelatihan kepada media digital dan insan periklanan dari para ahli IAS terkemuka dan dirancang untuk memberdayakan para pelaku periklanan digital untuk menjadi ahli dalam verifikasi iklan digital dan implementasinya selama melakukan kampanye, memberikan transparansi yang lebih besar dan pada akhirnya memaksimalkan pengembalian investasi media.

Program pelatihan mencakup topik verifikasi iklan digital secara mendalam seperti kepastian merk dagang dan penipuan iklan, pengukuran kualitas media, saluran pemrograman, serta iklan dan lingkungan termasuk ponsel, video, CTV, dan banyak lagi. IAS Academy mencakup penilaian mandiri dan empat tingkat lencana: IAS Verification Foundation; IAS Product Expert; IAS Verification Specialist: Set Up; and IAS Verification Specialist: Tagging & Technical.

IAS Academy telah sukses besar sejak diluncurkan dan telah memberdayakan pemasar dengan pelatihan dan alat terbaik di kelasnya sehingga mereka dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat tentang verifikasi kualitas iklan digital,” kata Arfitrianto Zulnaini, Direktur Penjualan Indonesia, IAS.

Dalam lingkungan yang serba cepat di mana teknologi berkembang dengan cepat, IAS Academy bangga bermitra dengan IDA dan menawarkan program ini kepada praktisi digital di Indonesia. “Ini akan membantu pemasar Indonesia mengontrol investasi media mereka dengan lebih baik dan memberikan hasil yang optimal untuk kampanye mereka,” ujarnya.

Industri periklanan digital di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat dalam dekade terakhir. Saat ini  mencapai tahap di mana praktisi iklan digital diliputi oleh spektrum dan kompleksitasnya terutama di bidang pengukuran.

“Itulah sebabnya kita semua harus mengatur ulang fokus kita untuk mengidentifikasi metrik mana yang sebenarnya bermakna untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan pelanggan dan memberikan nilai bagi bisnis kita,” tutur Dian Gemiano, Ketua IDA.

tak hanya itu saja, verifikasi iklan juga membantu pengiklan digital fokus pada interaksi berkualitas tinggi dengan pelanggan dan pada akhirnya dapat menciptakan nilai yang lebih bermakna bagi pengiklan dan media.

“Kami senang berkolaborasi dengan IAS untuk mengedukasi industri kami untuk pengukuran iklan digital yang lebih baik dan lebih bermakna di Indonesia, ” ucap Dian Gemiano.

Tentang Integral Ad Science

Integral Ad Science (IAS) adalah pemimpin global dalam kualitas media digital. IAS membuat setiap tayangan diperhitungkan, memastikan bahwa iklan dapat dilihat oleh orang-orang nyata di lingkungan yang aman dan sesuai, mengaktifkan penargetan kontekstual, dan mendorong pengoptimalan jalur pasokan. Misi kami adalah menjadi tolok ukur global untuk kepercayaan dan transparansi dalam kualitas media digital untuk merek, penerbit, dan platform terkemuka dunia.

Kami melakukan ini melalui teknologi berbasis data dengan sinyal dan wawasan waktu nyata yang dapat ditindaklanjuti. Didirikan pada tahun 2009 dan berkantor pusat di New York, IAS bekerja dengan ribuan pengiklan top dan penerbit premium di seluruh dunia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi

Tentang Indonesian Digital Association

Asosiasi Digital Indonesia didirikan untuk menyatukan para pemangku kepentingan dan berfungsi sebagai motor, pemandu, mercusuar, serta rainmaker bagi industri media dan periklanan digital Indonesia.

IDA memiliki misi untuk memajukan industri dengan membawa tiga nilai ke industri digital Indonesia; untuk berkolaborasi pada intinya, menjadi kebanggaan lokal di arena global dan teknologi untuk pertumbuhan di masa depan. Saat ini, anggota IDA terdiri dari lebih dari 40 perusahaan mulai dari media online, perusahaan teknologi iklan hingga agensi digital. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi

IAS Academy – Daftar hari ini

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Now Streaming: A guide to everything you need to know about CTV Mon, 29 Nov 2021 14:23:52 +0000 With this guide, Integral Ad Science is helping advertisers gain transparency and media quality on connected TV, tackling issues from CTV fraud to brand safety and suitability.

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Marketers know that connected TV (CTV) is one of the fastest-growing digital environments. In our CTV & Ads Research survey released earlier this year, we reported that almost 90% of people in Australia stream digital content on CTV, with 74% using their connected TVs to watch ad-supported programming. Recent discussions around the shift to CTV have emphasized the importance of holistic, cross-screen strategies for measuring media quality on the platform. Despite its promise, advertisers have real concerns about in-stream ads, ranging from a lack of transparency to high CPMs, CTV fraud, geo delivery, CTV brand safety, and reach.

That’s why IAS is helping the industry tackle connected TV concerns head on, so the tremendous benefits of CTV advertising can be fully realized. Better data for insights & optimizations, flexibility, increased scale, and precise contextual targeting are all possible with the right innovations.

To get the full picture of connected TV, download Now Streaming, our in-depth guide covering everything from the basics of CTV and OTT to the ways IAS is bringing media quality to streamable content.

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Industry Essentials: Download our Brand Safety & Suitability Guide Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:52:51 +0000 The future of media quality goes beyond binary brand safety techniques. While most brands agree on what constitutes unsafe content, the ideal advertising environment is likely to be unique to a given brand. That’s where brand suitability comes in. But...

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The future of media quality goes beyond binary brand safety techniques. While most brands agree on what constitutes unsafe content, the ideal advertising environment is likely to be unique to a given brand.

That’s where brand suitability comes in.

But that’s not all—consumers have preferences, too. IAS has found that 70% of consumers find it important for ads to be related to the content they’re consuming. Contextual relevance is the latest development toward achieving successful, impactful ad adjacencies.

Sound complicated? Don’t worry, IAS has you covered. Our new Brand Safey and Suitability guide covers:

  • The shift from safety to suitability
  • Understanding contextual relevance
  • How IAS works smarter to protect your brand and place you alongside relevant, desirable environments

Download the Brand Safety & Suitability Essentials Guide now to learn more

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