Topics Archives - Integral Ad Science The Hidden Cost of MFA Webinar Wed, 07 Aug 2024 22:57:08 +0000 en hourly 1 Topics Archives - Integral Ad Science 32 32 IAS’s Commitment to Media Quality Wed, 07 Aug 2024 22:48:18 +0000 This update addresses a recent report by a third-party who inaccurately represented our technology. At IAS, we are driven by a singular mission: to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality.

The post IAS’s Commitment to Media Quality appeared first on Integral Ad Science.

An Update for Customers and Partners Following a Recent Adalytics Report

This update addresses a recent report by a third-party who inaccurately represented our technology.

At IAS, we are driven by a singular mission: to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality.

We are committed to media measurement and optimization excellence, and are constantly innovating to exceed the high standards that our customers and partners deserve as they maximize ROI and protect brand equity across digital channels.

Flawed Methodology Leads to Inaccurate Conclusions

IAS did not have the opportunity to review the full report ahead of publication. After reviewing the report in its entirety, it is clear Adalytics’ methodology omitted important details about IAS’s technology and nuances of our customers’ brand safety and suitability settings. In addition, they did not provide transparency on the timeframe of the study or their data sample set.

No Consideration for Measurement (Post-Bid) and Optimization (Pre-Bid) Settings

The report makes false claims and assumes that if an IAS script is seen on a page, then IAS should be blocking or preventing ads from delivering. Relying on an IAS script alone does not take into account the advertisers’ brand safety and suitability settings, which could include monitoring tags, blocking tags, or pre-bid offerings that prevent ad delivery.

In addition, Adalytics does not have visibility into settings for content allow/block lists, which advertisers use to align media spend to their brand safety objectives. Some customers use our post-bid blocking services, while others use monitoring. With blocking, if a page is flagged as unsuitable based on the client’s settings, the ad is blocked. With monitoring, the ad is delivered regardless of the page’s status, and any issues are reported.

Incomplete Code Analysis 

The report is conflating IAS code used for publisher solutions and code used for advertiser solutions. We’ve verified that almost all of the tags in the screenshots are from our publisher solutions. Adalytics either missed this distinction or ignored it and didn’t seek clarification from IAS. Consequently, many examples of ads connected to IAS code in the report are inaccurate.

The code analysis conducted by Adalytics is not representative of the full suite of tools IAS provides to advertisers and publishers with multiple layers of brand safety and suitability measurement and protection. The examples shared only represent one part of our brand safety and suitability solution. Another flaw in the report shows IAS tags on a page that do not correspond to a final decision for the creative being displayed.

Our Commitment to Innovation

We’re committed to helping our customers safeguard and scale their brands, and we remain focused on delivering the industry’s most trusted and transparent measurement and optimization solutions. We will continue to provide the highest quality of service to our customers. 

We recognize that all brands are unique and that the definition of safety and suitability is driven by a brand’s values and goals. IAS does not simply provide a binary (on-off) brand safety solution; we offer multiple and unique programmatic solutions that improve advertisers’ ability to detect and avoid unsafe and unsuitable content. This includes fraud, viewability, and brand safety measurement along with optimization tools including IAS Context Control and IAS Quality Sync.

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What Is Click Fraud? Mon, 05 Aug 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Click fraud stands as a persistent threat that undermines the integrity and effectiveness of online marketing efforts. Simply put, click fraud involves the deceptive practice of clicking on online advertisements with malicious intent rather than genuine interest. This can be...

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Click fraud stands as a persistent threat that undermines the integrity and effectiveness of online marketing efforts. Simply put, click fraud involves the deceptive practice of clicking on online advertisements with malicious intent rather than genuine interest. This can be orchestrated by automated bots or individuals, aiming to generate fraudulent clicks that inflate advertising costs or mislead performance metrics. 

This malicious activity not only drains marketing budgets but also skews data, leading to misguided strategies and diminished return on investment (ROI). 

As digital advertising continues to grow, so does the sophistication of click fraud tactics, making it imperative for marketers to adopt advanced protection measures to safeguard their campaigns and ensure accurate performance evaluation.

What’s the true cost of click fraud?

The true cost of click fraud encompasses more than just financial losses. It disrupts the integrity of digital advertising by inflating click-through rates and misleading advertisers with false engagement metrics, ultimately diminishing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 

Click fraud undermines trust and credibility within the digital advertising ecosystem. It erodes the confidence of advertisers in online platforms and tarnishes the reputation of publishers and ad networks. Addressing click fraud is essential not only to safeguard advertising budgets but also to uphold transparency and maintain a sustainable environment where brands can effectively connect with their target audiences. 

The true cost of click fraud goes well beyond the financial implications: 

  • Financial impact: Advertisers pay for each click on their ads, whether legitimate or fraudulent. Click fraud can drain advertising budgets rapidly, leading to wasted resources and reduced ROI.
  • Sustainability efforts: Click fraud impedes efforts toward sustainable digital advertising practices by distorting performance metrics.
  • Data integrity: Fraudulent clicks distort performance metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates, making it difficult for marketers to accurately assess the success of their campaigns and make informed decisions.
  • Trust and reputation: For publishers and ad networks, click fraud compromises trust with advertisers and can damage their reputation in the industry. It undermines the credibility of digital advertising platforms as effective channels for reaching target audiences.

Let’s dive deeper into click fraud’s serious implications and explore what marketers can do about it.

Financial impact of click fraud

Click fraud poses a substantial financial threat to brands and advertisers, significantly affecting their revenue streams and overall financial health. Increasing invalid traffic, primarily driven by click fraud, can have several detrimental effects:

  1. Loss of ad spend: In 2024, it’s projected that advertisers and brands could lose as much as $71 billion due to invalid traffic generated by click fraud. This loss directly impacts advertising budgets, diminishing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and reducing the ROI from digital advertising efforts.
  2. Revenue dilution: Click fraud not only wastes advertising dollars but also dilutes the revenue potential for brands. The projected loss of up to $205 billion in revenue underscores the magnitude of the problem, as fraudulent clicks do not translate into genuine consumer engagement or sales conversions. This financial impact can hinder growth strategies and profitability targets for brands relying on digital advertising channels.
  • Budget allocation challenges: Advertisers rely on accurate data to allocate their advertising budgets effectively. Click fraud distorts performance metrics, leading advertisers to make decisions based on misleading information. As a result, brands may misallocate resources, investing in channels that do not yield the expected returns due to fraudulent activities skewing engagement metrics.

The hidden environmental costs of click fraud

Ad campaigns can be detrimental to the environment. 

Of the 3.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions generated annually by programmatic display advertising globally, 26.4% of impressions are estimated to be non-viewable, according to data from Lunio. This equates to approximately 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted yearly to serve non-viewable impressions.

This highlights a significant concern regarding carbon emissions from digital advertising. Given that campaigns often accumulate millions of impressions, each impression consumes enough energy to charge tens of thousands of smartphones.

Click fraud can impact sustainability efforts in a number of ways:

  1. Energy consumption: Each fraudulent click triggers data processing and server activities, consuming energy resources. Data centers and servers require substantial energy to operate efficiently. The increased activity due to fraudulent clicks contributes to higher energy consumption, indirectly impacting carbon footprints and contributing to environmental degradation.
  2. Electronic waste: The digital advertising ecosystem relies heavily on electronic devices and hardware. When click fraud artificially inflates advertising metrics, it can lead to increased demand for new electronic devices, contributing to electronic waste (e-waste) when older devices are discarded prematurely. E-waste management is a critical aspect of environmental sustainability, and minimizing unnecessary device turnover is essential.
  3. Resource utilization: Fraudulent activities can lead to inefficient allocation of resources. Advertisers may misallocate budgets based on false data, directing investments away from genuinely effective channels. This inefficiency can lead to unnecessary consumption of resources like raw materials for advertising materials and human resources for managing ineffective campaigns.

By comprehending the carbon footprint of campaigns, marketers and brands can grasp the magnitude of their environmental impact. This awareness marks the initial stride towards eliminating inefficient practices within digital advertising.

Publishers and brands face significant reputational damage as a result of click fraud

Click fraud can cause significant reputational damage to both advertisers and publishers involved in online advertising. When click fraud occurs and advertisers unknowingly pay for fraudulent clicks, several reputational challenges can arise:

  1. Wasted budget and ROI concerns: Advertisers rely on accurate data and performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. If a significant portion of their budget is wasted on fraudulent clicks that do not generate genuine interest or conversions, it can lead to questions about the efficacy of their marketing strategies and the return on investment from online advertising.
  2. Impact on trust and credibility: Advertisers may lose trust in the advertising platforms where the click fraud occurred. They may question the platform’s ability to protect their advertising investments and provide accurate reporting. This loss of trust can result in advertisers reducing their advertising spend on the platform or seeking alternative advertising channels, potentially damaging the platform’s reputation in the industry.
  3. Legal and regulatory issues: In some cases, click fraud can lead to legal consequences, such as violating terms of service agreements with advertising platforms or facing legal action from affected parties. Legal disputes and negative publicity resulting from click fraud can further damage the reputation of the parties involved.
  4. Publisher reputations at stake: Publishers hosting fraudulent clicks can also suffer reputational damage. Advertisers may exclude websites suspected of engaging in click fraud, reducing their ability to attract legitimate advertisers in the future. This tarnishes the publisher’s reputation within the advertising community and affects their revenue stream.

How IAS helps

Marketers seek transparency regarding the measures taken to safeguard their advertising investments on every platform. They desire comprehensive visibility into the detection and filtration of invalid traffic. Despite this, some marketers have yet to adopt dedicated systems for preventing invalid traffic, which underscores a critical opportunity for enhancing the efficiency of ad spend.

That is why IAS is teaming up with Lunio in a first-to-market partnership to provide post-click measurement and protection across search, social, and display networks. This partnership builds on IAS’s existing ad fraud detection and mitigation capabilities, giving marketers the most comprehensive IVT protection in the industry.

In partnership with Lunio, marketers can receive reliable, transparent post-click IVT analytics and traffic protection capabilities, with key benefits including:

  • Transparency: Understand how IVT is affecting accounts and spot where junk visits are damaging campaign performance
  • Empowerment: Proactively analyze and optimize paid media investments using insights from click data and traffic quality signals that aren’t available elsewhere
  • Quality: Increase the quality of ad traffic by leveraging insights to prevent invalid and junk traffic from wasting resources and skewing data — for laser-focused targeting of real prospects

By safeguarding every stage of the ad journey against invalid traffic — from impressions through to click — advertisers can enhance transparency and ensure quality from beginning to end of each campaign.

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End-to-End Ad Measurement is Super Valuable — Here’s Why Wed, 17 Jul 2024 10:00:00 +0000 It’s no secret that measurement is a crucial component of successful advertising campaigns. Advertisers and publishers alike have been measuring digital impressions for decades. But ad measurement has evolved significantly since its inception, and impressions aren’t the only metric that...

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It’s no secret that measurement is a crucial component of successful advertising campaigns. Advertisers and publishers alike have been measuring digital impressions for decades. But ad measurement has evolved significantly since its inception, and impressions aren’t the only metric that matter anymore.

So how comprehensive and actionable is the measurement you’re relying on today?

The right measurement tactics enable you to ensure greater brand protection and impact on valuable media inventory — especially in environments like the open web, where your display and video campaigns are highly visible. In this blog post, we’ll explore why end-to-end ad measurement is invaluable and how it can transform your advertising strategy.

The key ingredients of end-to-end ad measurement

Despite its simplicity in nature, end-to-end ad measurement on the open web can get complicated fast. The advertising ecosystem is complex and busy, with consumers tuning in every day to different formats via multiple streaming platforms, and often in very different contexts. To navigate this complexity, end-to-end measurement must cover several key areas.


For advertising to make an impact, it has to be viewed —not just served. Ensuring that your digital ads have the opportunity to be seen by consumers, wherever they are, is critical. All digital ads — desktop, mobile, in-app, browser, display, video — have unique requirements that need to be met when measuring for viewability.

As advertising becomes more sophisticated, brands want to not only prove ROI but also transact on viewability, and that’s why it’s more important than ever to have full-flight data on whether or not an ad was seen. IAS provides coverage for display and video placements across desktop, mobile web, and mobile app, and provides actionable data that reports viewability, fraud, and overall user experience.

Measuring viewability is paramount, so IAS ensures it doesn’t come at the cost of efficiency. We deliver the same set of data to both buyers and sellers so that no time is wasted on reconciliation. Additionally, our predictive data makes it possible for brands to target the most viewable ads available, all before ever placing a bid. Our pre-bid video and display viewability segments are easily accessible within the world’s largest demand-side platforms.

Ad Fraud

There are more than 5.35 billion internet users worldwide using the internet everyday. But unfortunately, sometimes digital ads are delivered to anything but a real person. 

Advertising fraud is a persistent threat in the digital space, draining resources and diminishing campaign effectiveness. According to our 19th Edition Media Quality Report, campaigns that are not optimized for fraud tended to encounter levels of fraud up to 14 times higher than those optimized against ad fraud. In fact, 8.4% of non-optimized ad campaign impressions were served to anything but a real human in the second half of 2023. 

End-to-end ad fraud measurement can significantly increase transparency to help identify fraudulent inventory. By leveraging ad fraud metrics, marketers can measure the amount of activity their ads are generating from fraudsters, and subsequently use this data to optimize ad spend toward real users via IAS pre-bid solutions. Access to actionable invalid traffic data throughout the entire campaign is key to effectively allocating ad spend and confidently ensuring your ads have an opportunity to reach real users and make an impact.

Brand Safety and Suitability

Brand safety must go beyond the binary. Black and white brand safety and suitability measurement can unnecessarily limit scale and doesn’t give the context marketers need to understand the effectiveness of their ads. 

That’s why it’s critical for marketers to build on the power of brand safety with the innovation of suitability. IAS contextual targeting technology reviews all elements on a given page and takes additional steps beyond URL analysis to understand the meaning of the content. Before a bid is even placed, IAS’s predictive science pre-screens pages to filter out content that isn’t suitable for a given brand. Only IAS gets to the true meaning of the content, so marketers can ensure they’re aligning campaigns with consumers who will connect the most with their brand. 

End-to-end brand safety and suitability measurement and protection gives marketers the most accurate picture of the content near their ads, and provides brands with the opportunity to safeguard without limiting scale.

4 steps to improve your brand’s performance on the open web

  1. Leverage measurement partners who follow industry standards for viewability 
  2. Keep up with benchmarks for viewability, invalid traffic, and brand safety and suitability
  3. Employ AI-powered prevention solutions for invalid traffic and brand safety and suitability to ensure your ads are seen by real people in the right context
  4. Reallocate ad spend based on viewability, invalid traffic, and brand safety and suitability data

Drive superior results today with IAS

By incorporating end-to-end measurement into your digital advertising strategy, you can protect your brand, optimize your ad spend, and achieve superior results. Reach out to an IAS representative today to learn how we can help you harness the full potential of your advertising campaigns.

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Scaling Your Brand Amid Surging Political Content and Misinformation Tue, 09 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +0000 The U.S. presidential election year is well underway, with media coverage ramping up across the country. Is your brand avoiding misinformation and risky content? Read more here.

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The U.S. presidential election year is well underway, with media coverage ramping up across the country. One top-of-mind concern for advertisers during this politically-salient time is misinformation — in fact, marketers cite ads delivering alongside risky content like misinformation as their top media challenge in 2024.

In the heated environment of election season, the proliferation of misinformation can pose significant challenges for brands. Ads placed next to misleading or false information not only risk damaging a brand’s reputation, but can also erode consumer trust. As the media landscape becomes increasingly polarized and the spread of misinformation accelerates, brands must navigate this terrain with caution. 

The IAS Election Lab analyzed the rise in political content and misinformation, exploring how IAS Context Control Avoidance segments can be tailored to different brand needs as potentially risky content saturates the media. Plus, we tested the scalability of Context Control Avoidance segments for protecting brands from risky content without overblocking or blocking responsible media, which refers to content that is trustworthy, accurate, and prioritizes diverse and inclusive reporting.

Here’s what we found.

Risky political content and misinformation rose in Q1 2024

The rates of risky political content and misinformation in the U.S. increased in the first quarter of 2024, highlighting potential threats to brand equity for unprotected campaigns. Plus, The Election Lab recently found that risky political content increased during major political events in Q1 2024, including Super Tuesday.

Compared to Q4 2023, risky political content rose 29% to reach 1.03% of all impressions measured in the U.S. in Q1 2024. And there’s a hefty reason why advertisers should steer clear of risky content: more than seven-in-10 U.S. consumers think that the content surrounding a brand’s ads is a reflection of their values.

Election Lab Blog #2 - Chart 1

Misinformation is also surging. Compared to Q4 of last year, Q1 2024 saw a 25% higher rate of misinformation content in the U.S. Consumers have become increasingly sensitive to ad adjacency to misinformation, with 75% reporting that they’d feel less favorable toward brands that advertise on sites that spread misinformation. 

Election Lab Blog #2 - Chart 2

As the data proves, risky political content and misinformation are both on the rise. So what can advertisers do to scale despite this risky and misleading content?

Tailor to your brand’s specific risk avoidance

All IAS Context Control Avoidance segments use natural language processing to precisely comprehend context, sentiment, and emotion to protect brands at scale. But Context Control Avoidance segments allow advertisers to further tailor their campaigns to granular levels that make the most sense for them. For example, while some brands may prefer to avoid advertising near any political content, others may choose to avoid only a subset of content, like negative political content or negative content directed toward political parties. 

So why would an advertiser choose a less strict threshold? It’s all about scale. 

Avoiding only negative political content resulted in a 28% decrease in blocked impressions compared to avoiding all political content, unlocking an estimated 169 billion impressions per year, as estimated by Xandr DSP inventory projections. Advertisers could also choose to avoid only negative sentiments towards political parties, resulting in a 62% decrease in blocked impressions compared to avoiding all political segments, opening up an estimated 374 billion impressions annually.

Election Lab Blog #2 - Chart 3

Similarly, advertisers may have different needs for thresholds surrounding misinformation risk. Avoiding medium risk misinformation reflects a relatively conservative threshold, but advertisers can also opt to avoid only misinformation surrounding politics or high-risk misinformation. Per Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) definitions, medium risk misinformation is a broader category that includes content about misinformation, whereas high risk misinformation only includes content that presents a false narrative. 

Election Lab Blog #2 - Chart 4

Simply activating IAS’s high risk misinformation avoidance segment instead of medium risk yielded a 98% decrease in blocked impressions compared to the medium risk misinformation segment, unlocking an additional 492 billion impressions annually, according to Xandr DSP inventory projections. IAS’s Context Control Avoidance segment specific to political misinformation had a 97% decrease in blocked impressions compared to medium risk misinformation, leading to an additional 487 billion impressions annually.

IAS Context Control Avoidance segments don’t block trustworthy content

Just as media experts and consumers alike denounce misinformation, they also recognize the importance of supporting responsible and trustworthy journalism. 

To ensure that IAS Context Control Avoidance misinformation segments aren’t blocking trusted journalism, The Election Lab looked at how these segments performed for a sample of high impression volume publishers throughout Q1 2024. The IAS Context Control Avoidance medium-risk misinformation segments block exceptionally small rates of impressions on these sites. In the context of news-related misinformation, no impressions were blocked on these trustworthy publishers for the duration of Q1 2024. Both medium risk misinformation and politics-related misinformation saw a few blocked impressions, but these represented less than 0.01% of all impressions served to these publishers in Q1. 

The result? Context Control Avoidance segments protected campaigns at scale without blocking responsible media.

Avoiding politically risky content drives superior results

How did politically risky content impact business results across Q1 2024? We examined IAS data enriched with performance and cost metrics to determine the impact of politically risky content and misinformation on success rate (defined as conversions or clicks) and cost per conversion (CPCV) during Q1 2024. 

Politics had the biggest impact on the bottom line. Ads avoiding political content had a 32% lower CPCV than ads adjacent to politically risky content, representing $1.04 lower cost per conversion. Ads avoiding political content also had a 179% higher success rate. 

Ads avoiding misinformation, on the other hand, had a 29% lower cost per conversion than ads adjacent to misinformation, representing $1.21 less per conversion. This lower CPCV is in part due to the 46% lower success rate for ads adjacent to misinformation.

Election Lab Blog #2 - Chart 5
Election Lab Blog #2 - Chart 6 (2)

Overall, ads that avoid risky political content and misinformation lead to more conversions and clicks, as well as lower costs per conversion. Enabling IAS Context Control Avoidance can protect your brand from this risky content while continuing to drive results. 

How IAS Can Help

IAS offers 280+ off-the-shelf Context Control Avoidance segments to help advertisers avoid placing their ads alongside negative or risky content beyond the GARM categories. Before a bid is placed, IAS’s predictive science pre-screens pages to filter out tailored content that isn’t suitable for your brand. 

Context Control Avoidance segments help marketers control where their brand is seen, which can be especially crucial with the growing uncertainty of the upcoming election cycle. Avoidance segments protect brand safety without harming scale so you can continue to drive superior results throughout an election year and beyond.

In addition, we recently announced the expansion of our Brand Safety and Suitability Measurement capability to now include the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) category of misinformation for leading social platforms, like Meta. Advertisers can now review when their ads run alongside content on the subject of misinformation on the feed, in addition to open web. 

A comprehensive solution that protects all ends of the digital ad cycle is critical during the election season and beyond. End-to-end, AI-driven measurement coupled with optimization solutions that are tailored to each brand’s respective needs are key to detecting and avoiding misinformation on the internet’s most prolific and unpredictable environments. 

For a step-by-step guide to scaling your brand in an election year, download your copy of the IAS Political Guide, and explore our IAS Election Lab for more insights.

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Effectively Validate Media Quality Across the Microsoft Advertising Network Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Delivering your ads to the right places and driving impact to the right audience has never been easy — until now. Starting today, IAS and Microsoft are joining forces to provide new levels of transparency into ad performance across the Microsoft Advertising Network including Audience ads and Microsoft Invest.

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Safeguard and scale with Viewabilty, Invalid Traffic, and Brand Safety & Suitability Measurement across Microsoft

Delivering your ads to the right places and driving impact to the right audience has never been easy — until now. Starting today, IAS and Microsoft are joining forces to provide new levels of transparency into ad performance across the Microsoft Advertising Network including Audience Ads and Microsoft Invest.*

Through this expanded collaboration, you can access Viewability, Invalid Traffic, and Brand Safety & Suitability measurement to ensure that your Microsoft ads are running adjacent to brand safe and suitable content and engaging users.

With IAS's Microsoft Advertising Network Measurement, you can:

  • Validate your campaigns with measurement using trusted third-party reporting and analysis for Audience Ads
  • Access actionable insights such as viewability, time in view, % completed, invalid traffic rate, and brand safety pass and fail rate
  • See a holistic view of performance across desktop, mobile web, and in-app for display, video, native, and CTV campaigns

Effectively validate your media quality and maximize engagement with real users across the Microsoft Advertising Network. To get started, download the one sheet and reach out to an IAS representative.

*Powered by Xandr

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Safeguard & Scale Your Business Across Snap Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:05:52 +0000 IAS has partnered with Snap for first-to-market, Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM)-aligned Brand Safety & Suitability measurement, as part of Total Media Quality for Snap.

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AI-driven Brand Safety & Suitability measurement is now available on Snap

IAS has partnered with Snap for first-to-market, Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM)-aligned Brand Safety & Suitability measurement, as part of Total Media Quality for Snap. With Total Media Quality for Snap, you get Viewability, Invalid Traffic, and Brand Safety and Suitability measurement to ensure your media is appearing next to content that truly aligns with your brand’s goals and objectives. 

In addition, we’re also expanding coverage of Viewability and Invalid Traffic measurement to AR Lenses and Filter, as well as Discover Feed Story Ads Tiles on Snap.

With Total Media Quality for Snap, you get:

  • Transparency to validate content adjacency with trusted third-party analysis, aligned to the GARM Framework and inclusive of Misinformation
  • Best-in-class Multimedia technology that utilizes AI for frame-by-frame analysis, combining image, audio, and text signals to accurately classify content on Snap at scale
  • Holistic global coverage with 90+ languages supported across video and display campaigns

Protect your brand to safeguard and scale on Snap. Access the one sheet and reach out to an IAS representative to get started.

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IAS Brand Safety and Suitability Measurement Now Available for Performance Max and Demand Gen Campaigns Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 IAS is expanding our partnership with YouTube to bring Brand Safety and Suitability measurement to Performance Max and Demand Gen campaigns on Google Ads, as part of Total Media Quality for YouTube.

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IAS Expands Brand Safety and Suitability Measurement for YouTube

Performance Max is Google’s latest campaign type that allows advertisers to access all of their Google Ads inventory from a single campaign. Advertisers who adopt into Performance Max see an average increase of 27% more conversions or value at a similar CPA/ROAS, even when they’re already using broad match and Smart Bidding in their Search campaigns. (Source: Google Data, Global, Ads, October – November 2023.)

Demand Gen is a new Google ad solution that helps advertisers find and convert consumers with immersive, relevant, and visual creatives that grab attention and spur action in the right moment. Demand Gen reaches up to three billion users monthly, combining the best of Google and YouTube’s visual surfaces, powered by Google AI.  (Source: Google Data, July 2023.)

Starting today, IAS is expanding our partnership with YouTube to bring Brand Safety and Suitability measurement to Performance Max and Demand Gen campaigns on Google Ads, as part of Total Media Quality for YouTube. 

With this industry-leading product, IAS provides you with:

  • Valuable third-party verification that your ads running on Performance Max and Demand Gen appear alongside brand-safe and suitable content, aligned to the GARM framework*
  • Ability to accurately analyze brand suitability trends to make data-driven decisions
  • Comprehensive verification of YouTube content in over 30 languages

Performance Max helps you find more converting customers with a single, consolidated campaign. Through Performance Max, you don’t have to manage multiple campaigns to reach your goals — instead, you can promote across the Google Network in a single campaign.

Get the most actionable data to maximize your brand safety and suitability reporting for Performance Max and Demand Gen campaigns with Total Media Quality for YouTube.

To get started, simply follow your standard IAS campaign set up. Download the one sheet to learn more.

*Note: IAS Brand Safety & Suitability verification is inclusive of YouTube in-stream, YouTube Shorts, and Google Video Partners for Performance Max, and YouTube in-stream & Shorts inventory for Demand Gen.

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Transition with Ease to IAS: A Message for Oracle Customers, Partners, and Employees Thu, 13 Jun 2024 20:04:30 +0000 For Oracle Advertising customers and partners, IAS is here to facilitate your smooth transition to our Measurement and Optimization solutions.

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Oracle’s recent announcement to shut down its advertising business comes at a time of rapid transformation for the industry. We understand that this is an unsettling time for Oracle Advertising’s customers, partners, and employees. Our teams are committed to providing support and enabling a smooth transition during this period of change.

For Oracle Advertising customers and partners, IAS is here to facilitate your smooth transition to our Measurement and Optimization solutions. Our teams are ready to help you maximize ROI while serving as a reliable and innovative partner throughout this moment. We offer a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to deliver superior results and accelerate your progress.

Discover more about our offerings below:

Additionally, we have a wide range of roles available at IAS and are eager to support Oracle Advertising employees affected by this change. If you find a role that aligns with your expertise, we encourage you to apply directly. Please highlight your skills and that you were impacted by this change.

Our mission at IAS is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. We are here to support you and ensure a smooth transition to IAS during this turbulent time.

Contact us here to learn how we can help.

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Total Media Quality Now Live on Pinterest Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000 IAS and Pinterest have joined forces to provide Brand Safety and Suitability Measurement aligned to the GARM framework, as part of Total Media Quality for Pinterest.

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Safeguard and scale your brand with Brand Safety measurement on Pinterest

As users pin their picture-perfect boards, marketers prioritize picture-perfect ad placements. Platforms like Pinterest are a staple for consumers, and it’s critical that marketers are engaging real users in a brand suitable environment.

Starting today, IAS and Pinterest have joined forces to provide Brand Safety measurement aligned to the GARM framework, as part of Total Media Quality for Pinterest. Powered by IAS’s AI-driven Multimedia Technology, our measurement utilizes machine learning for frame-by-frame analysis, combining image, audio, and text signals to accurately classify pins at scale.

With Total Media Quality for Pinterest, you get:

  • Comprehensive reporting across Viewability, Invalid Traffic, and Brand Safety Measurement aligned to the GARM Floor (Suitability coming soon aligned to low-high risk levels)
  • AI-driven Multimedia technology, combining image, audio, and text to accurately classify content in the in-app feed and at scale
  • Campaign-level insights inclusive of viewability rate, time-in-view, invalid traffic rate and brand safety pass rates to keep your brand safe
  • Global availability in 40+ languages for comprehensive third-party measurement

Safeguard and scale on Pinterest today with Brand Safety measurement live today, and Suitability to come soon. Access the one sheet and reach out to an IAS representative to get started today.

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IAS Partners with Lunio to Provide Click Fraud Measurement and Protection Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:55:00 +0000 IAS is teaming up with Lunio in a first-to-market partnership to provide post-click measurement and protection across search, social, and display networks. Read more here.

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First-to-market partnership detects invalid traffic throughout the entire media buying cycle

Fraudulent clicks don’t convert. When it comes to money wasted on clicks generated by bots, it’s not just ad budgets that are squandered — the opportunity for revenue is lost too. In fact, it’s estimated that $205 billion in revenue opportunities will be lost to invalid traffic (IVT) this year alone.

Starting today, IAS is teaming up with Lunio in a first-to-market partnership to provide post-click measurement and protection across search, social, and display networks. This partnership builds on IAS’s existing ad fraud detection and mitigation capabilities, giving marketers the most comprehensive IVT protection in the industry.

“IAS is dedicated to safeguarding brands throughout the entire media buying cycle,” said Jim Egan, SVP, Business Development at IAS. “Our partnership with Lunio makes us the first media measurement and optimization platform to provide insight into click fraud, empowering marketers with the most actionable invalid traffic data.”

In partnership with Lunio, marketers will receive reliable, transparent post-click IVT analytics and traffic protection capabilities, with key benefits including:

  • Transparency: Understand how IVT is affecting accounts and spot where junk visits are damaging campaign performance
  • Empowerment: Proactively analyze and optimize paid media investments using insights from click data and traffic quality signals that aren’t available elsewhere
  • Quality: Increase the quality of ad traffic by leveraging insights to prevent invalid and junk traffic from wasting resources and skewing data — for laser-focused targeting of real prospects

“This partnership marks a crucial step forward in providing marketers with the most effective invalid and junk traffic data possible” said Neil Andrew, CEO at Lunio. “We’re proud to partner with IAS in a joint commitment to giving marketers reliable analytics and protection that drive quality and — most importantly — business results.”

IAS’s existing ad fraud detection and mitigation products stop more bots without over-blocking real humans by relying on a unique, three-pillar approach powered by unmatched scale and machine learning to provide the most accurate detection and prevention. 

To learn more, download the one sheet and reach out to an IAS representative.

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