Sachin Murme, Author at Integral Ad Science The Hidden Cost of MFA Webinar Thu, 17 Aug 2023 19:04:17 +0000 en hourly 1 Sachin Murme, Author at Integral Ad Science 32 32 Track your brand’s carbon footprint with measurement from IAS and Good-Loop Wed, 05 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000 IAS has teamed up with Good-Loop, a purpose-led ad platform, to offer advertisers the opportunity to measure the carbon emissions generated by their digital ad campaigns. Read more here.

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Reduce the environmental impact of your ad campaigns with seamless, end-to-end carbon emission tracking

IAS has teamed up with Good-Loop, a purpose-led ad platform, to offer advertisers the opportunity to measure the carbon emissions generated by their digital ad campaigns. This partnership, available now in all markets globally, helps marketers understand their brands’ digital carbon footprint with seamless, end-to-end measurement and reporting.

With this partnership, advertisers can seamlessly opt-in to carbon emission measurement to track and view the end-to-end carbon footprint of their digital ads. With reporting insights that determine how each element of a campaign, including media types, formats and media partners, has a negative impact on the environment, marketers can have data-driven conversations with their partners on how to decrease their carbon footprint and optimize campaign spend in order to reduce emissions.

Through this integration with Good-Loop, advertisers can leverage reporting insights within the IAS Signal Report Builder to:

  • Understand the environmental impact of a campaign’s media and creative
  • Compare side-by-side reporting of IAS’s media quality metrics and Good-Loop’s carbon footprint measurement
  • Accurately measure campaigns with no additional tagging required

Take meaningful steps now to reduce the environmental impact of your digital ad campaigns. Download the one sheet and reach out to your IAS representative to get started.

To learn more about how IAS is making an impact beyond the digital world, check out our ESG initiatives here.

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New Fully On-Screen and Content-Level CTV pre-bid segments Tue, 04 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Stop wasting valuable impressions and target premium content with the confidence that your CTV investments are delivered fully on-screen. Read more here.

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Impression waste stops here.

CTV buyers often face two major challenges. The first is grappling with the fact that 17% of CTV ads play even when the TV is off. And the second is the unsettling lack of transparency on exactly where your ads run on CTV beyond the app-level.

Fortunately, marketers can now tackle these issues head-on with new pre-bid segments from IAS that ensure CTV investments are protected against industry-wide media quality challenges. Expanding on our suite of pre-bid solutions on CTV, marketers can now access more efficient targeting in Invest DSP with our newest pre-bid segments, with more DSPs coming soon.

New pre-bid solutions from IAS:

  • Fully On-Screen CTV pre-bid segment: Ensure your ads stop playing when the TV screen is off. With this pre-bid segment, you can target inventory from CTV apps that are tested and validated for renderability — meaning that when the TV is off, your ads are too.
  • Content-Level Transparent CTV pre-bid segment: Target transparent inventory from CTV publishers that opt-in to share Channel and Content-level data for post-bid reporting on IAS’s Advanced CTV UI.

Stop wasting valuable impressions and target premium content with the confidence that your CTV investments are delivered fully on-screen. Download the one sheet now to get started.

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Industry-leading media quality on Amazon Publisher Services Connections Marketplace Tue, 28 Mar 2023 14:01:00 +0000 IAS is integrating with Amazon Publisher Services (APS) as the first verification provider on APS's Connections Marketplace — a services marketplace where publishers can easily activate technology solutions with little or no new development work, saving them time and creating new revenue opportunities.

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Your inventory is valuable. Optimize it with IAS.

IAS is integrating with Amazon Publisher Services (APS) as the first verification provider on APS’s Connections Marketplace, a services marketplace where publishers can easily activate technology solutions with little or no new development work, saving them time and creating new revenue opportunities.

Through this global integration, publishers can now seamlessly access IAS’s Publisher Optimization solution within the APS Connections Marketplace. This integration gives publishers the ability to:

  • Increase yield and maximize inventory with greater transparency
  • Eliminate impression waste with automation to meet advertisers’ quality standards
  • Improve efficiency and yield by delivering advertisers KPIs for brand safety, ad fraud, viewability, and contextual relevance

Optimize ad delivery down to the placement level for both direct and programmatic deals. Download the one sheet to get started today.

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The Future of CTV Investment Thu, 16 Mar 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Ramp up your brand's media quality on Connected TV with the latest industry trend forecast. Download the research, The Future of CTV Investment, to find out what else lies ahead in CTV advertising.

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How industry experts are evaluating ad spend and media quality in CTV

Connected TV (CTV) is one of the most prolific channels for reaching consumers in the digital world. With more streaming platforms offering ad-supported services, staying up to speed on current industry trends is vital for optimizing your brand.

In our latest study, IAS compiled information from several research studies that surveyed top industry experts, investigating how this channel is predicted to grow and exploring where industry professionals are investing in CTV advertising.

Here’s what we discovered:

  • 70% of media experts agree that third party verification is going to play a large role in CTV advertising
  • 69% of industry experts agree that it’s worthwhile to spend a premium on transparent and brand safe ad inventory on CTV
  • 59% of media experts cite high CPMs as a barrier for CTV investment 

Ramp up your brand’s media quality on CTV with the latest industry trend forecast. Download the research, The Future of CTV Investment, to find out what else lies ahead in Connected TV advertising.

The post The Future of CTV Investment appeared first on Integral Ad Science.

Media Rating Council continues IAS accreditation Wed, 15 Mar 2023 19:53:55 +0000 Accreditation matters. And it matters today in digital advertising more than it ever has before. Media Rating Council (MRC) accreditation is the gold standard for our industry, signaling to the marketplace that our solutions adhere to both the MRC's minimum standards for media rating research and industry-accepted standards for digital campaign measurement and verification.

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Kevin Alvero, Head of Global Compliance, IAS

Accreditation matters. And it matters today in digital advertising more than it ever has before. Media Rating Council (MRC) accreditation is the gold standard for our industry, signaling to the marketplace that our solutions adhere to both the MRC’s minimum standards for media rating research and industry-accepted standards for digital campaign measurement and verification.

That is why I am so pleased to share that the MRC has granted continued accreditation of IAS’s core digital ad verification service.

IAS’s core digital ad verification service includes:

  • Campaign monitor
  • Served impressions
  • Viewable impressions and viewability-related metrics
  • Firewall and viewability systems platform for display and video tracked ads measurement
  • Quality ads metrics within desktop, mobile web, and mobile in-app including sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) filtration
  • Display and video property-level ad verification metrics
  • Display blocks within desktop and mobile web environments

This valued accreditation further emphasizes our commitment to transparent and quality media across the digital landscape. George W. Ivie, Executive Director and CEO of the MRC, congratulated IAS in a statement, affirming that our products again met the “rigorous requirements necessary to achieve MRC’s accreditation.”

While we are proud of this accomplishment, we’re not stopping here. We continue to work closely with the MRC and remain laser-focused on being the undisputed leader in the media quality space as evidenced by our MRC accreditation. Today’s announcement is just the beginning of what we’ll be rolling out in the coming months.

To learn more about IAS’s product suite, including our MRC-accredited services, check out our full solutions summary here.

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IAS discusses the impact of in-game advertising standards Sun, 12 Mar 2023 22:45:28 +0000 What impact have the updated in-game ad standards had? Six months after the launch of the updated intrinsic in-game ad standards, IAS sat on a panel with Anzu, the IAB, and NBCUniversal to uncover what impact these standards have had...

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What impact have the updated in-game ad standards had?

Six months after the launch of the updated intrinsic in-game ad standards, IAS sat on a panel with Anzu, the IAB, and NBCUniversal to uncover what impact these standards have had and will have as we continue into 2023.

This panel discussed what advertisers should be asking their in-game providers, how these standards have helped solidify gaming as an established advertising channel, and how the new standards allow advertisers to better compare their in-game success against other digital platforms.


  • Kavon Kavoussi: Senior Product Manager – Emerging Mediums, IAS
  • Ben Fenster: Chief Product Officer, Anzu
  • Zoe Soon: Vice President of Experience Center, IAB
  • Michael Reidy: Senior Vice President of Advertising Sales, NBCUniversal

Watch the webinar below to stay in-the-know on all things in-game adversing and learn more about how IAS is bringing media quality to gaming environments here.

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International Women’s Day Spotlight: Lisa Utzschneider Wed, 08 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re spotlighting the women leading our organization to a successful future. Lisa Utzschneider, IAS’s CEO, chatted with us about building confidence, finding your voice in your career, and the importance of ensuring diversity and...

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In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re spotlighting the women leading our organization to a successful future. Lisa Utzschneider, IAS’s CEO, chatted with us about building confidence, finding your voice in your career, and the importance of ensuring diversity and inclusion are a core part of a IAS’s DNA. 

Tell us about a woman who has impacted your career journey.

I worked at Microsoft for 10 years and reported for many years to Joanne Bradford who built the global advertising business. Joanne was my boss, my mentor and my executive sponsor. I’m forever grateful to Joanne for everything that she taught me. She taught me the fundamentals of customer engagement and GTM — how to pitch effectively, negotiate, and close a deal. She also taught me how to really do your homework and be so prepared for a customer meeting that you could pass as one of the customer’s employees. She taught me how to deeply understand your customer’s business, speak their language, understand their challenges and be solution focused and to think on my feet and be ready for any scenario when engaging with customers. A 30-minute meeting might turn into a 5-minute elevator pitch. It’s the ability to pivot, tell your story with confidence, and not rely on slides.

One of the most important lessons I learned from Joanne is how to effectively be a global leader while being a mom. Joanne lived in San Francisco and traveled to Seattle every week. She scheduled most of her one-on-one meetings on Fridays from home. I’ll never forget when we were having a one-on-one call on a Friday morning while she braided her daughter’s hair to get ready for school. Joanne didn’t miss a beat during our exchange and did not apologize for getting her girls ready while talking to me. That brief moment left a lasting impression on me. When I braid my girls’ hair in the morning, I often think of this.

What advice do you have for young female professionals starting their careers?

Do your homework and go the extra mile when prepping for meetings. It will pay off. Find your voice and speak up in meetings no matter how nerve wracking it might feel. It always gets easier over time. Take advantage of any interaction with a senior level leader. Share how you are making an impact on the business, customers, or culture — the executive will remember you for this.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Embrace Equity.” What does this mean to you and how do you hope this is represented?

Embracing equity means that we create an environment at IAS where every employee can realize their full potential. It means we create an inclusive culture that welcomes diverse thoughts and opinions. We consistently strive to attract diverse talent into IAS and invest in DEI in our learning and development programs.

Why is it critical to seek inclusion and equity in the workplace?

A diverse team is a strategic imperative for IAS. Our customers expect that IAS is inclusive and equitable in the workplace.

How do you empower other women in the workplace? What can peers around you do to ensure women feel empowered?

IAS has a female majority board and a diverse SLT. We recently hired Tania Secor as our CFO. I’m a big believer that we “walk the talk” at IAS and demonstrate that diversity and inclusion is part of our DNA. Hiring managers need to ensure that they have diverse pipelines with every candidate that they are hiring for. This is one of the most important steps that my peers can take.

What is something that women – at any stage in their careers – can do or keep in mind as they seek equity in the workplace?

Use your voice and speak up in meetings. Help IAS attract diverse candidates into the company. Join the Women’s ERG and participate in the meetings.

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International Women’s Day Spotlight: Tania Secor Mon, 06 Mar 2023 19:24:22 +0000 In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re spotlighting the women leading our organization to a successful future. Tania Secor, IAS’s Chief Financial Officer, chatted with us about finding work-life balance, asking for what you need, and being a spark in your...

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In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re spotlighting the women leading our organization to a successful future. Tania Secor, IAS’s Chief Financial Officer, chatted with us about finding work-life balance, asking for what you need, and being a spark in your workplace.

Tell us about a woman who has impacted your career journey.

I’d like to share an event rather than a specific person. When I worked in investment banking in the early 90s, my analyst class did have a few women and I appreciate JPMorgan for its imperative regarding gender diversity at that time. However, I was struck that the majority of the women at the Managing Director level did not have children. To frame the environment further, we were not allowed to wear pantsuits, only suits with skirts. Words like “glass ceiling” were discussed in the hallways. Did I have to choose between a career and having children? With my hard work and analytical skills, why couldn’t I break this mysterious glass ceiling? And why couldn’t we wear pantsuits? 

Approximately 10 years later, I received a last minute invitation from a senior female investment banker to attend a dinner hosted by the editor of Fortune’s Top 50 Women in Business.  

As each of the 20 women went around the table introducing themselves, everyone shared – unprompted – she had two or three children. I had three kids under the age of six at the time, and I reveled at how far we had come. I always believed I could have both a career and be a mom despite the headwinds of my 90s experience, but look at all these other women who were able to do it and proudly share that in this setting! Thank you to the women of the 90s who made very big sacrifices. And thank you to this new generation of women who were driving this change and making it happen.

What advice do you have for young professional women starting their careers?

In terms of work-life balance, you have to find what works for you. Everyone has different circumstances — what’s one small thing that could make a huge difference to you but might not be a big deal for your company? Speak up and ask for it.

Another story: It’s 2002 and I just had my first son. I had finally left investment banking and I asked my boss if I could come in on Thursdays two hours later than normal on a recurring basis. After several weeks of discussion, review by HR, and my unwavering commitment to ensuring the work would still get done, my manager approved this arrangement. This flexibility enabled me to take my son to school one day per week. This small change didn’t “cost” much at all to my company or manager, but had a huge impact on my happiness and motivation, as I could now have some level of interaction and engagement with my son’s preschool teachers.

It’s a bit crazy how hard it was to make this arrangement at the time; and I believe times have changed. But my point in sharing this story is to encourage you — if there is something important you need, ask for it. If you want to keep propelling your career, show your managers that you’re all in, but don’t be afraid to ask for that one thing that can make all the difference for you.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “embrace equity.” What does “embrace equity” mean to you and how do you hope this is represented in the workplace?

I embrace equity because of the “why.” I want a diverse team because I want to embrace different perspectives to make the best decisions possible.

As it relates to International Women’s Day, I want to see people embracing equity because of the diversity of thought that women can bring to decisions. Women are 50% of the world’s population. How are we making the best decisions possible if we are not embracing half of the global workforce?

How do you empower other women in the workplace? What can peers around you do to ensure women feel empowered?

There’s a book I reference frequently called “Spark” by Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch, which describes the seven traits of a spark. Sparks have character, credibility, accountability, they act with intent, they are of service to others, they are consistent, and they are confident. 

If you’re a leader focused on developing your team, how do you identify the doers, the innovators, the change agents? How are you embracing them and giving them a voice? If you’re not a manager but an individual contributor, do you embody being a spark? 

I think the spark model works really well for women because it’s equalizing. If there is a lack of diversity at the more senior levels, speak up and push and be that spark. If you’re a female individual contributor, why not be that spark?

What is something that women, at any stage in their careers, can do or keep in mind as they seek equity in the workplace?

Pay it forward at all levels.

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International Women’s Day Spotlight: Lisa Nadler Mon, 06 Mar 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Leading up to International Women’s Day on March 8, we’re spotlighting the women leading our organization to a successful future. Lisa Nadler, IAS Chief Human Resources Officer, sat down to talk about the women throughout her life who have inspired...

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Leading up to International Women’s Day on March 8, we’re spotlighting the women leading our organization to a successful future. Lisa Nadler, IAS Chief Human Resources Officer, sat down to talk about the women throughout her life who have inspired her to succeed, how organizations can champion gender equality, and advice she has for young women and girls who will be tomorrow’s change makers.

Tell us about a woman who has impacted your career journey.

A woman named Pam Kimmitt was my boss at Citibank a long time ago. She was cutting edge, and she took jobs that weren’t typically held by women. To this day, sometimes when something comes up I’ll think, “How would Pam have answered this?” She was just incredibly supportive but also had really high standards. She imposed them on herself more than others, and it’s those standards I live by to this day.

What advice do you have for young professional women starting their careers?

Don’t ever assume that you’re not capable of something. Take advantage of the opportunities and just truly go for it. 

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “embrace equity.” What does embrace equity mean to you and how do you hope this is represented in the workplace?

I’d say this means that every individual has the same opportunities afforded to them based on skill and experience. They should be treated in the same way for the same value that they bring to the table.

Why is it critical to seek inclusion and equity in the workplace?

Diversity of thought is the only way that you’re going to be able to innovate. If you continually hire the same people, you won’t think differently about anything. Different points of view are what drive innovation and that’s so important. When you think about AI, if you don’t have different people programming AI, then you’re just going to have a bot that answers questions the same way every time instead of all these different people with different thoughts contributing.

How do you empower other women in the workplace? What can peers around you do to ensure women feel empowered?

I try to set a good example. I think my position allows me to make sure that we have diversity in our candidate slate for key leadership roles so that we bring women into the fold. If you don’t interview women, you’re not going to hire women. It’s about letting every voice be heard and being encouraging. I think women sometimes don’t always assume that we have a diverse skill set. A lot of times we have to be able to connect the dots. A leadership role in a club could easily be translated to a leadership role in a company. I really try to help others connect the dots as well.

What is something that women, at any stage in their careers, can do or keep in mind as they seek equity in the workplace?

They should be open to constructive feedback, and they should always be willing to learn. And most importantly, get out of your comfort zone.

You are a senior leader at a successful tech company. What are the barriers that you see in why there aren’t more women in tech — both in the rank and file and also leadership levels?

At IAS, we have a lot of senior women and a lot of women on the sales side of the company. I think what’s missing is the STEM side of it, and I think part of the issue is that from an early age, women were not always encouraged to go in those programs. So as you look for leadership now, it’s hard to find people with 15-20 years of experience in these kinds of roles. What we can do and what we’re trying to do is bring talent in at the junior level. There’s a bit more gender-diverse talent at the junior level, but the problem is women were just never really encouraged to explore tech careers.

We’ve seen some leaders of tech companies say that they would hire more women if they could, but there just aren’t enough applicants. What is your take?

Sometimes the issue is just cleaning up your job descriptions. Women tend to believe that they need to have 95% of the skills on the job description in order to even apply for it, whereas men don’t feel that way. One thing we can do better is, as opposed to “must-haves” language in job applications, I think a lot of the time the technical skills can be trainable—so you have to think about hiring for the future.

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Undercover Context: Driving consumer engagement through non-obvious contextual links Mon, 27 Feb 2023 13:00:00 +0000 In our latest research, IAS dives into the motivations behind consumer preferences for contextually relevant ads, uncovering what consumers consider to be effective contextual links — and what this means for your brand.

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Identify the contextual pairings that consumers want to see from your brand

Consumers prefer context (we would know — we went straight to the source to find out). But not all contextual pairings are equal. As marketers map out their targeting strategies, it’s crucial to know the ideal contextual links that lead to higher engagement and positive receptivity among consumers.

In our latest research, IAS dives into the motivations behind consumer preferences for contextually relevant ads, uncovering what consumers consider to be effective contextual links — and what this means for your brand.

Here’s a sneak peek at what we found:

  • 64% of consumers say contextually relevant ads are more likely to feature products they want or need
  • 35% of consumers say that it’s annoying to see unrelated ads
  • 16% lift in engagement with ads that are placed alongside relevant content

Amplify your brand message to consumers who want to hear it. Download the research, Undercover Context, to find out how you can optimize data-backed contextual pairings to reach targeted consumers and fuel outcomes.

The post Undercover Context: Driving consumer engagement through non-obvious contextual links appeared first on Integral Ad Science.
